Financial advisers professionals with process _uacct” UA-3661863-3 8243;;
How will a financial adviser help me achieve my financial goals?
A financial adviser can recommend and implement financial strategies that will help you realise your goals. They employ a sound and methodical process to develop an appropriate financial plan for you, which not only takes into account your current circumstances but also your future objectives. In developing your financial plan, a financial adviser undertakes a comprehensive process consisting of seven distinct steps, to arrive at a plan that will help you achieve your future goals. These are:
1. Collect information. Your financial adviser collects all the details about your current financial circumstances and identifies your attitude to financial risk.
2. Determine your financial objectives. Your financial adviser determines your short, medium and long term goals. They also consider your future income and expenditure requirements. 3. Analyse alternative options. Using all the information at their disposal, your financial adviser researches the possible outcomes of potential strategies they recommend to you.
4. Develop a strategy. Your financial adviser prepares a strategy that helps you achieve your financial goals, in accordance with your attitude to financial risk and your current circumstances.
5. Present detailed financial plan. Your financial adviser presents you with a detailed financial plan which includes: a factual strategy rationale; risk exposure; actual products recommended and any assumptions made.
6. Implement your financial plan. Upon your approval, your financial adviser proceeds with co-ordinating the logistics of implementing your plan. This includes sourcing the documents and ensuring that all the paperwork is signed and completed.
7. Review your financial plan. Your financial adviser reviews your financial plan on a regular basis to ensure that it can accommodate changes to your circumstances, legislation or the economic environment How can I get more information?
As you can see a financial adviser follows a sound process which ensures that you receive a professional and thorough financial consultation. The steps detailed ensure that the financial plan developed accurately reflects your individual circumstances and objectives. There are real benefits to be gained by using a professional who employs a methodical process to ensure that you achieve your financial goals, for example, the benefit of their constant analysis of the economic environment and legislative changes.
To find out more about financial advisers and how they can help you realise your goals and achieve financial freedom contact us today by either telephone 03 9542 3200 or email blog freedomfinancialplanning. com. au WARNING: The information contained on this website is provided in good faith. While the contents are obtained from various sources that are deemed reliable, it is not guaranteed as accurate or complete and should not be relied upon as such. It is recommended that you seek independent, professional advice before implementing any of the suggestions to ensure that it is appropriate to your needs and circumstances.
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