Who: business finance magazines, Ventana Research, Callidus software Inc. (nasdaq: CALD), Centive, glowing Teknologies and Xactly
WHICH: business finance and Ventana research inaugurated an two-hour case of net exclusively approximately to educate and representing the latest in sales reconciliation management. If you rob director at the Ventana research of ball, older vice-president and research, an introduction and an overview of reconciliation management market offers sales today. Steve apple mountain, vice-president of marketing with Callidus and the Josephs Bea, manager for marketing policy and line with Embarq, together with representatives of other solution servicers divides view and makes proven business strategies available for operation of the expenditures into sales achievement monitoring.
Participants of the Webinar learn:
— introduce like companies of all sizes of the prominent sales reconciliation of management systems and solutions on the market today to profit can — like one sales reconciliation handhas and him with business results refers one on the other — like one variable reconciliation and incentives effectively begins, in order to improve the results from sales personnel to — like one incentives thus it produces you the intended results used, IF: Tuesday, December 11, 2007 10:00 a.m.. PST, WHERE: Register to more information and for the drop attendance: http://www.callidussoftware.com/go/07/business-finance-webinar/
Over Callidus software
Callidus software (www.callidussoftware.com) (nasdaq: CALD) is a prominent servicer of the Aufvoraussetzung and the on that and of sales Leistungsueberwachung (SPM) solutions to the global companies over an expanded distance of the industries. Our software lets inventive enterprises of all sizes handle strategic to spurring reconciliation, stopped ratio goals, exercises producers and aligns areas, and resulted in improved sales and in distribution of achievement. Over 1,8 million salesmen let mediators and guidance handle representative their sales revenue by products of the Callidus software.
. Callidus software 1998-2007 Inc.. all rights reserve. Callidus software, the Callidus software trade mark, Callidus TrueAllocation, TrueAnalytics, TrueComp, TrueComp raster field, TrueComp manager, TrueConnection, TrueFoundation, TrueInformation, TrueMBO, TruePerformance, TruePerformance index, TruePerformance announcement, TrueProducer, TrueQuota, TrueReferral, TrueResolution and TrueService+ are registered registered trade marks, servicemarks or registered registered trade marks of Callidus software Inc. in the United States and in other countries. All further mark, service or product name are registered registered trade marks or registered registered trade marks of its respective companies or owners.
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Press contact: Partition Breitwieser Callidus software Inc.. (408) 975-6683 pr@callidussoftware.com
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